Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Type of product to be manufactured

Type of product to be manufactured

The first product policy of importance deals with the general type of product to be manufactured and marketed. While most medium-size or large manufacturing enterprises make and sell a line of products, it is entirely possible and often advisable to place the emphasis upon a particular type of product.

The manufacturer who chooses to produce only convenience goods, or only shopping goods, or only specialty goods, definitely simplifies his problem of marketing. Nor does such a policy of limitation of product type preclude the possibility of building up a "line" of products which will include many different items of varying sizes, styles, and models.

Some degree of emphasis on convenience goods, shopping goods, or specialty goods is highly profitable as a matter of product policy.

Marketing policy of a produced Segmentation

Market Segmentation

Group customers (needs, industry, distribution, geography).
Narrow the targets.
Select targets.
Label the segments.
Consider the similarities and differences. Anything missing?


What are they doing now?
Where do competitors advertise, and how often?
What is their sales pitch?
How do competitors price?
How do they distribute?
How do competitors position themselves?
How do competitors react to threats?
How do successful competitors differ from the lesser?
What are their market shares?
Compare competitors to your organization in terms of your:


Marketing policy of a produced Position

Product Position

Differentiate your product and your service.
Find the opportunity. Its out there.

Remember that famous glass of water? The one that optimists see as half full and pessimists see as half empty? A scientist, however, sees a question -- Was the glass designed with too much capacity?

What we see is, actually, a matter of perception. What your customer sees is, also, a matter of perception -- his perception. Understand your customer's needs.

Describe your products.
Describe your customer's pain ...

Some sales systems will script sales closing techniques based on customer needs or wants. My opinion is to agree with other sales systems which insist that customers only buy on an emotional level.

Have you bought everything you wanted? Have you bought everything you needed? Of course not. But, how did you feel when your car stranded you on the highway? Were you a bit more receptive to the idea of buying a new car?

Read this carefully because this is the key to all market strategies. When your sales force closes sales, they will do so only by understanding your customer's emotions.

Your customers will buy from China, India, South America, anybody. Very few industrial customers have loyalty to any country or brand name today. If you don't agree, just look at number of people drinking bottled water that is imported from other countries. The last time I looked, the United States did produce good clean water. Go Figure.

You must understand your customer's psychological needs. Take a piece of paper out and write this down, "You must understand your customer's psychological needs to best succeed in product marketing and sales."

Marketing some key policy of product

some key policy of product marketing

After market forecasting methods have been established the next step necessary is a consideration of the task of formulating general marketing policies. A policy is a line or course of action predetermined for the purpose of insuring uniformity and consistency of procedure over a considerable period of time under recurrent and essentially similar circumstances.

Generally, the attempt should be made to establish marketing policies for considerable periods of time. Changes should not be made without good reason. To be successful, policies must be followed definitely, and applied impartially. However, common sense must be used in their application.

A classification of general marketing policies, to be useful, must rest upon the basic factors with which particular policies are concerned. Marketing policies may be grouped as : Product policies, price policies, trade channel policies, and dealer and customer policies.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rasmussen College Breaks New Ground With Internet Marketing Degree Program

December 25, 2009 by
Filed under online marketing degree

Rasmussen College is believed to be the only higher education institution in the world to devote a degree program to teaching students how to reach consumers through Internet marketing-based tactics.

ORLANDO, FLA. — The advent of the Internet is changing the face of advertising and marketing by opening up a new world of opportunities to reach consumers of myriad products and services.

To address these new demands, Rasmussen College recently introduced a bachelor’s degree in Internet Marketing . “After conducting extensive research, we found that Rasmussen is the first college in the world to introduce a degree program dedicated solely to the field of Internet marketing,” said Brandon Steele, Online Marketing Manager for Rasmussen College.

Flight Operations

You will manage our pool of over 2,000 technical crew (i.e. pilots) in the following areas:

Training and development, providing technical support for efficient, economical and safe operations, and liaising with international organisations and civil authorities on technical or operational matters, among others.uthorities on technical or operational matters, among others

Trainee Station Manager

Station Managers manage all aspects of SIA’s operations at airports overseas, including customer service, baggage and cargo handling, inflight catering, ground safety regulations, and airport emergency plans.

Trainee Station Managers have to undergo a nine-month training programme before being posted overseas as, initially, Assistant Station Manager and eventually Station Manager.

Business Marketing Guide: the 3 Basic Promotion Objectives

The different promotion methods - personal selling, mass selling, and sales promotion - can all be viewed as different forms of communication. But good marketers aren't interested in just communicating. They want to communicate information that will encourage customers to choose their product. They know that if they have a better offering, informed customers are more likely to buy. Therefore, they're interested in: (1) reinforcing present attitudes that might lead to favorable behavior or (2) actually changing the attitudes and behavior of the firm's target market.

Ground Rules For Internet Marketing

As with anything in life, there's a right way and a wrong way to use the Internet for marketing.

It's especially important to know the difference at the beginning. Otherwise, you may make some mistakes which may jeopardize your chances at ever using the Internet for your business.

Literally, you can be banned from the Internet. It's happened before. Don't let it happen to you — promote your business the correct way, and you'll have a far better chance at finding success on the Internet.

On The Ground Looking Up

11 February 2010


Well lookie here, the Ewen elders' latest book, Typecasting: On the Arts and Sciences of Human Inequality, is coming out in German. If you have not read the English version yet, you should and you can get it here.


A great example of "viral marketing", High Power Marketing

'General' Larry Platt's 'Pants on the ground' a grand finale for 'American Idol' Atlanta auditions. A Great example of "viral networking". By Michael Sheridan DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Wednesday, January 13th 2010, 10:49 PM

A giant untapped market

There are millions of small businesses around the world, creating a vast market for for professionals skilled at writing, graphic design and Web site creation and maintenance.

Maintenance is a key word in the Internet marketing game, because by creating an ongoing demand for your services, you can create recurring income that can help propel your business to long-term prosperity.

There currently aren't many Internet marketing consulting firms out there, so there's a tremendous opportunity out there for those who are bold and quick.